3 1/7 and 3 10/71
Pi was first computed by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Archimedes.
Archimedes is known for establishing the value of pi. He was the pioneer in the field of hydrostatics without the use of Calculus. He discovered the Powers of Ten, as a method of scientific notation. He is also known for the study of buoyancy, which has its own Archimedes myth. Allegedly, upon its discovery, he ran naked through the streets shouting, 'Eureka! I have found it!'
Archimedes estimated the correct value of pi
3 1/7 and 3 10/71
Archimedes made pi more precise
The Greek Philosopher Archimedes
Archimedes of Syracuse
Archimedes (287-212 BC) was the first to have had a serious attempt at calculating pi.
It was Archimedes.
He was the only one that came close to determing the value of pi.
pi has been around for as long as we have had written records.Its approximate estimated value of Pi up to 5 decimal places is 3.14159 .Archimedes was the first person to estimate the correct value of pi