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Q: Do the terms of a geometric sequence increase as it proceeds?
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DO the terms in a geometric sequence always increase?

FALSE (Apex)

Is geometric sequence a sequence in which each successive terms of the sequence are in equal ratio?

Yes, that's what a geometric sequence is about.

In a geometric sequence where r and gt 1 the terms always increase.?

No, they do not. If the first term is negative, they always decrease.

Descending geometric sequence?

A descending geometric sequence is a sequence in which the ratio between successive terms is a positive constant which is less than 1.

In what sequence are all of the terms the same?

A static sequence: for example a geometric sequence with common ratio = 1.

In a geometric sequence the between consecutive terms is constant.?


find the next two terms in geometric sequence 2,6,18,54,162,486,1458?

It is 4374

What is the answer if you insert 3 terms between 2 and 32 by geometric sequence?

The terms are: 4, 8 and 16

What is the geometric sequence formula?

un = u0*rn for n = 1,2,3, ... where r is the constant multiple.

Is the Fibonacci sequence a geometric sequence?

No. Although the ratios of the terms in the Fibonacci sequence do approach a constant, phi, in order for the Fibonacci sequence to be a geometric sequence the ratio of ALL of the terms has to be a constant, not just approaching one. A simple counterexample to show that this is not true is to notice that 1/1 is not equal to 2/1, nor is 3/2, 5/3, 8/5...

What is the first 5 terms of the geometric sequence a14r3?

They are 14, 42, 126, 378 and 1134.

In a geometric sequence the ratio between consecutive terms is .?

It is a constant, other than 0 or 1.