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Suppose the integers are: x, y. and y is greater than x.

x + y = 51 ................(eq. 1)

y= 2 x + 3 ................(eq. 2)

substitute eq. 2 in eq 1:

x + 2 x + 3 = 51

3 x + 3 = 51

add -3 to both sides in last equation:

3 x = 51 - 3

3 x = 48

divide both sides by 3 in last line:

3 x/ 3 = 48 / 3

x = 16

substitute the value of x in eq. 2:

y = 2 x + 3

y= 2 * 16 + 3

y = 35

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Q: The sum of two integers is 51 the larges integer is 3 more than twice the smaller integer find the integer?
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