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Q: What is the nth term of the arithmetic sequence -1 2 5?
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Rule to finding terms in a arithmetic sequence?

The nth term of an arithmetic sequence = a + [(n - 1) X d]

What is the nth term for 26 18 10 2 -6?

The nth term in this arithmetic sequence is an=26+(n-1)(-8).

How do you use a arithmetic sequence to find the nth term?

The difference between successive terms in an arithmetic sequence is a constant. Denote this by r. Suppose the first term is a. Then the nth term, of the sequence is given by t(n) = (a-r) + n*r or a + (n-1)*r

What is the nth term of the arithmetic sequence 22 15 8 1 ...?

The nth term is -7n+29 and so the next term will be -6

What is the nth term for 1 7 13 19?

The given sequence is an arithmetic sequence with a common difference of 6. To find the nth term of this sequence, we can use the following formula: nth term = first term + (n - 1) x common difference where n is the position of the term we want to find. In this sequence, the first term is 1 and the common difference is 6. Substituting these values into the formula, we get: nth term = 1 + (n - 1) x 6 nth term = 1 + 6n - 6 nth term = 6n - 5 Therefore, the nth term of the sequence 1, 7, 13, 19 is given by the formula 6n - 5.

What is an nth term in an arithmetic sequence?

The nth term is referring to any term in the arithmetic sequence. You would figure out the formula an = a1+(n-1)d-10where an is your y-value, a1 is your first term in a number sequence (your x-value), n is the term you're trying to find, and d is the amount you're increasing by.

What is the nth term for 3 7 11 15?

The nth term for that arithmetic progression is 4n-1. Therefore the next term (the fifth) in the sequence would be (4x5)-1 = 19.

How do you find the nth term in an arithmetic sequence?

tn = a + (n - 1)d where a is the first term and d is the difference between each term.

What is the simple formula for the nth term of the arithmetic sequence 7 3 -1 -5 -9?

7 - 4n where n denotes the nth term and n starting with 0

what is the nth term of 13, 16, 19, 22?

The nth term of an arithmetic sequence is given by. an = a + (n – 1)d. The number d is called the common difference because any two consecutive terms of an. arithmetic sequence differ by d, and it is found by subtracting any pair of terms an and. an+1.

What is the nth term for 3 5 7 9?

This is an arithmetic sequence with initial term a = 3 and common difference d = 2. Using the nth term formula for arithmetic sequences an = a + (n - 1)d we get an = 3 + (n - 1)(2) = 2n - 2 + 3 = 2n + 1.

What is the nth term of the arithmetic sequence 7 5 3 1?

IT is A.P. Arithmetic progressionFormula to solven th term = First_term + ( n - 1)*difference_between_two_non=9first term=7difference_between_two_no = nth_term - (n-1)th_term = 5-7 = 3-5 =1-3 = -2nth term = 7+8*(-2) = -9Another Answer:-The nth term = 9-2n