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About 11.31 units.

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Q: What is the length of a diagonal of a square with a side of length 8?
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What is the length of a diagonal of a square with a side length of 8?

8*sqrt(2) The diagonal of the square would be the hypotenuse of the right triangle formed by two of the sides of the square.

What is the length of a diagonal of a square if each side is 8 centimeters?

A diagonal of a square measures: Side X sqrt(2).Approximately (8 cm) X (1.414) = 11.312 cm

What is the length of the diagonal of a square with side lengths of 8 cm?

The square root of 128, approxiametaly 11.313

The length of a diagonal of a square is 8 cm What is the length of each side of the square?

About 5.656854249 cm using Pythagoras' theorem: 2x2 = 64

What is the length of a diagonal of a square of length 8?

11.3137085 units

Find the length of a side of a square whose diagonal is 4cm?

a≈2.83cm The sides are the square root of 8 cm, approximately 2.8284 cm

What is the length of a diagonal of square whose side measures 8cm?

Using Pythagoras' theorem: 8 times the square root of 2 which is about 11,3137085 cm

What is the length of the diagonal of a square who's area is 64cm squared?

Area = 64 cm2 so length of side = 8cm Then, by Pythagoras, length of diagonal = sqrt[82 + 82] = 8*sqrt(2) = 11.3137 cm (to 4 dp)

What is the length of a side of a square whose diagonal measures 4?

Designate the length by L. From the Pythagorean theorem, the length of the diagonal of a square, which divides the square into two right triangles, each with sides L (and the diagonal as hypotenuse to each right triangle), is square root of 2L2 = 4 (from the problem statement). Squaring both sides separately yields 2L2 = 16 or L = square root of 8 = 2 (square root of 2).

Find the diagonal of a square?

Diagonal = sqrt (twice the square of a side) eg: square of side 8 units, d = sqrt(2 x 64) = sqrt 128 = 11.3137

What is the diagonal of the rectangle has length 6 and width 8?

The diagonal = the square root of (6 squared + 8 squared) 6 squared+8squared = 100 the square root of 100 = 10 so the length of the diagonal is 10. The above used Pythagoras' theorem which says the square on the diagonal is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.

How can you express in radical form the length of the diagonal of a square whose sides are each 2?

Let 'a' and 'b' be the length of one side and diagonal of a square. Pythagorus's theorem as applied to a square: a^2 + a^2 = b^2. Substituting a = 2 into the equation, we have b^2 = 2^2 + 2^2 = 8. b = sqrt(8) = 2 * sqrt(2). Q.E.D. ===========================