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The solutions are x = 5, y = -9 and x = -2, y = 5.

To solve:

  1. x2 - xy - y2 = -11
  2. 2x + y = 1

Rearrange (2) to make y = 1 - 2x and substitute into (1):

x2 - xy - y2 = -11

⇒ x2 - x(1 - 2x) - (1 - 2x)2 = -11

⇒ x2 - x + 2x2 - 1 + 4x - 4x2 = -11

⇒ x2 - 3x - 10 = 0

⇒ (x - 5)(x + 2) = 0

⇒ x = 5 giving y = -9 (using x = 5 in equation (1) to find y)

or x = -2 giving y = 5 (using x = -2 in equation (1) to find y)

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Q: What are the solutions to the simultaneous equations of x squared -xy -y squared equals -11 and 2x plus y equals 1?
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