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Q: What is the number of possible outcomes when tossing 4 coins at once?
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How many possible outcomes can you get by tossing 5 coins?

There are 25 or 32 possible outcomes can you get by tossing 5 coins.

How many possible outcomes of tossing three coins?

There are 23 = 8 possible outcomes.

What is the possible outcome of tossing 10 coins?

There are 1024 different outcomes, so too many to list.

What is the fundamental counting principal of tossing 4 coins?

For each of the coins, in order, you have two possible outcomes so that there are 2*2*2*2 = 16 outcomes in all.

What is a pascal's triangle used for?

It is used for lots of things such as finding out the total possible outcomes of tossing coins. You find the line that corresponds with how many coins you toss and add all the numbers in that line to get the number of possible outcomes also you can use it to find combinations and permutations and triangular numbers

What are the Possible outcomes of tossing four coins at once?

Each coin can come out either heads (H) or tales (T). Since you're tossing four coins at once, I'm assuming there is no sense of order to be accounted for. In that case, the possible outcomes are the following: HHHH HHHT HHTT HTTT TTTT

How many outcomes are there in the sample space for tossing two coins?


How many possible outcomes when tossing 3 coins?

three heads two head, one tails one heads, two tails three tails

The are more outcomes when tossing three coins than when rolling a number cube?

Only if you're counting order. If you call a head then a tail different from a tail and then a head then there are 8 outcomes from the coins; otherwise there are only 4. And clearly a number cube can have anywhere from 1 to 6 outcomes, depending on whether the same number appears multiple times.

Doesn't the probability of tossing 4 coins equals 24 which is 64 outcomes?

No. The number of outcomes is 24 which is 16, not 64. Furthermore, probability is a number that is associated with an outcome and is a number in the range [0, 1]. Neither 16 nor 64 are number in the relevant range.

How do you find the sample space of tossing 3 coins?

You find the sample space by enumerating all of the possible outcomes. The sample space for three coins is [TTT, TTH, THT, THH, HTT, HTH, HHT, HHH].

How is selecting one marble from each of 2 bags and tossing 2 coins similar?

It is not. There are only two possible outcomes for each toss of a coin whereas the number of possible outcomes when selecting a marble from a bag will depend on the numbers of distinct marbles in each bag. The coin toss generates a binomial distribution the marbles experiment is multinomial.