

What is the value of sin theta?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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12y ago

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You cannot answer that until you assign theta a value. Theta is just a Greek letter that represents a variable, much like how we use English letters x,y, etc. to represent our variables.

The reason the Greek letters are more appealing is that there are more Greek letters than English letters. So when working with complex equations that require many variables, it's more convenient to use the Greek alphabet.

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Q: What is the value of sin theta?
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The answer will depend on where, in the sine function, the x-value appears: For example, its roles in f(x) = sin(x), or f(x, theta) = x*sin(theta) or f(x, theta) = sin(x*theta) f(theta) = sin(theta + x) are quite different.

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You can use the Pythagorean identity to solve this:(sin theta) squared + (cos theta) squared = 1.

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What is value of sin theta when theta equal to 13.9222?

answer is 2.34 degrees answer is 2.34 degrees

What is the value of theta when sine of theta is 0.91?

sin-1 (0.91) = about 1.14328 radians.

How do you figure this out Sin theta equals 0.0138 so theta equals what?

theta = arcsin(0.0138) is the principal value.

Is sin squared theta and sin theta squared the same?

Your question is insufficiently precise, but I'll try to answer anyway. "Sine squared theta" usually means "the value of the sine of theta, quantity squared". "Sine theta squared" usually means "the value of the sine of the quantity theta*theta". The two are not at all the same.

What is csc theta?

That depends on the value of the angle, theta. csc is short for "cosecans", and is the reciprocal of the sine. That is, csc theta = 1 / sin theta.

How do you simplify bracket 1 plus tan theta bracket bracket 5 sin theta -2 bracket equals 0?

(in a past paper it asks u to solve this for -180</=theta<180, so I have solved it) Tan theta =-1, so theta = -45. Use CAST diagram to find other values of theta for -180</=theta<180: Theta (in terms of tan) = -ve, other value is in either S or C. But because of boundaries value can only be in S. So other value= 180-45=135. Do the same for sin. Sin theta=2/5 so theta=23.6 CAST diagram, other value in S because theta (in terms of sin)=+ve. So other value=180-23.6=156.4.

What is the value of theta if 4sin theta is equal to 2?

4 sin(theta) = 2 => sin(theta) = 2/4 = 0.5. Therefore theta = 30 + k*360 degrees or 150 + k*360 degrees where k is any integer.

What are the values of theta of which co secant theta is undefined?

Any value for which sin(theta) = 0, i.e. theta = N*180, N being an Integer.

How do you find smallest positive value of theta to the nearest degree. When sin theta equals 0.3455?

you have to do the arcsin which is sin-1 on your calculator. i have not met anyone in my life who can do sin or arcsin in their head. not even my college teachers. your theta is equal to 20degrees