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The degree is the highest power of the variable. For example, x5 + 3x3 - x + 4 is of degree 5, since the highest power of "x" is 5.

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Q: What is a degree of a real polynomial?
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How many real roots will a 3rd degree polynomial have?

A third degree polynomial could have one or three real roots.

Is it true that the degree of polynomial function determine the number of real roots?

Sort of... but not entirely. Assuming the polynomial's coefficients are real, the polynomial either has as many real roots as its degree, or an even number less. Thus, a polynomial of degree 4 can have 4, 2, or 0 real roots; while a polynomial of degree 5 has either 5, 3, or 1 real roots. So, polynomial of odd degree (with real coefficients) will always have at least one real root. For a polynomial of even degree, this is not guaranteed. (In case you are interested about the reason for the rule stated above: this is related to the fact that any complex roots in such a polynomial occur in conjugate pairs; for example: if 5 + 2i is a root, then 5 - 2i is also a root.)

What degree of polynomial will be produced by multiplying a third degree polynomial and a fourth degree polynomial?

seventh degree polynomial x3 times x4 = x7

What are the solutions of a six-degree polynomial?

It depends on the polynomial and your degree of sophistication. In the complex domain, it will have six solutions, although not all of them need be different. If the coefficients are all real, then it will have 0, 2, 4 or 6 real solutions in the real domain.

How is the Degree of a polynomial function related to range?

If the domain is infinite, any polynomial of odd degree has infinite range whereas a polynomial of even degree has a semi-infinite range. Semi-infinite means that either the range has a real minimum but no maximum (ie maximum = +infinity) or that it has a real maximum but no minimum (ie minimum = -infinity).

A quadratic polynomial is a third-degree polynomial?

No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).No. A quadratic polynomial is degree 2 (2 is the highest power); a cubic polynomial is degree 3 (3 is the highest power).

What type of polynomial is formed by adding a second degree binomial to a fourth degree monomial. State the degree of this polynomial?

A fourth degree polynomial.

What is this polynomial's degree?

The degree of a polynomial is the highest power of the variable.

The greater degree of the terms in a polynomial is called?

The degree of the polynomial.

What is a zero degree polynomial called?

a polynomial of called a cubic polynomial

What is the polynomial of degree 0?

A polynomial of degree 0 is a polynomial without any variables, such as 9.

What is the meaning degree of polynomial?

The degree of a polynomial is the highest exponent on any independent variable in the polynomial.