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I personally hated these. So say you have a set of numbers. 78, 80, 81, 83 ,and 85.

You need to find the lower quartile, upper quartile, and of course median. the highest and lowest points will be on the end. draw a box around the upper, and lower quartile and lines coming out from it connecting to 78 and 85.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

you must have the cumulative frequency and calculate the upper and lower quartiles.

Firstly, you must (from a set of data,) find the highest and lowest value, on a number line, plot these down using a short line. Next plot your median, upper and lower quartile range, plot these on using a larger line and join the lines up to form a box plot. You are now done!

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Q: How do you make a box and whiskers plot?
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How do you set up a box and whiskers plot with multiple numbers?

By transferring the numerical data from the cumulative frequency curve into a box and whiskers plot.

What if the data doesnt have a median how do we make a box and whisker plot?

If the data are quantitative they must have a median. If there is no median it is only because the data are qualitative and, in that case, a box and whiskers plot is meaningless.

How do you find the outlier in a box and whiskers plot?

try this site

What does the whisker in a box-and-whisker plot represent?

The whiskers mark the ends of the range of figures - they are the furthest outliers. * * * * * No. Outliers are not part of a box and whiskers plot. The whiskers mark the ends of the minimum and maximum observations EXCLUDING outliers. Outliers, if any, are marked with an X.

What are the whiskers of a box plot?

They are some measure of the dispersion or range of numbers in the set of data.

Who invented the box-and-whiskers-plot?

It was invented by the American statistician John Tukey in 1977

What is the smallest value in a box-and-whiskers plot called?

The minimum - or outlier-adjusted minimum.

When do you use a box-plot?

A box plot may be used at a preliminary stage to determine the centre and spread of a set of data. The box [and whiskers] plot measures the central point by the median and the range from the maximum and minimum or the quartile points.

How are outliers of a data set related to the whiskers of its box plot?

Outliers on a modified box plot will be noted away from the ends of the whiskers, as they are not considered part of the range, due to the fact that they are so different from the rest of the data. In a regular box plot, the lowest value, whether it is an outlier or not, will be the beginning of the 1st whisker, the highest value, whether an outlier or not will be the end of the 2nd whisker.

What are four parts of the box and whisker plot called?

There are 5 (not 4) parts of an elementary box and whiskers plot. From left to right, they are: minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum. A more advanced version of plot is used for data containing outliers. In such cases the whiskers extend to the minimum or maximum EXCLUDING the outlier(s) and the outliers themselves are marked with Xs - beyond the scope of the whiskers.

What is a representation of data that shows the extremes and quartiles of a data set?

Probably the box and whiskers plot, but there are others.