There are 22680 numbers, excluding those with leading 0s.
To find the total number of seven-digit numbers that contain the number seven at least once, we can use the principle of complementary counting. There are a total of 9,999,999 seven-digit numbers in total. To find the number of seven-digit numbers that do not contain the number seven, we can count the number of choices for each digit (excluding seven), which is 9 choices for each digit. Therefore, there are 9^7 seven-digit numbers that do not contain the number seven. Subtracting this from the total number of seven-digit numbers gives us the number of seven-digit numbers that contain the number seven at least once.
If you include the number 3,000, there are exactly 2,001 4-digit numbers between 500 and 3000.
There are 22680 numbers, excluding those with leading 0s.
There are 9000 4-digit numbers. 8*9*9*9 = 5832 of them do not contain a 5 The remaining 3168 contain a 5.
It would help to know which digit. 0 appears in 9 numbers and each of the others in 18 numbers.
The pages of a book are numbered from 1 to 128. How many page numbers contain the digit 6?
the right answer is 10 cause there is o,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 so there 10 numbers in total which have 1 digit