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Yes, it is.

delta mixG=nRT(xlnx+...)


delta mixV=dG/dp => delta V=0

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Q: Is delta v mix 0 for ideal solution?
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If good 1 is a neutral' what is its marginal rate of substitution for good 2?

Answer is 0. Solution: MRS=delta(x2)/delta(x1) Good 1 is neutral it means that little change in delta(x2) makes infinity change in delta(x1). It means delta(x1)= infinity => MRS=0

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How do you integrate Delta function using TI-NspireCAS?

Just evaluate the function where the value passed to the delta is 0. i.e. if your are trying to integrate x^2*delta(x-3)dx, that is just equal to the value of x^2=3^2=9 since x-3=0 at x=3. If the limits of integration do not include the value where delta is 0, then the integral is 0 since delta(x)=0 everywhere that x is not=0. Thinking of it from a graphical perspective, you are asking for the area under the curve of a function multiplied by the delta function, which just leaves the portion of the graph at where the spike from delta happens. Everywhere else, the graph is 0. So the only thing that contributes to the integral is the value of the function where delta(0) happens. Since the integral of the function at that point is constant and delta at that point is just 1, it's just the value of the function at that point. I do not believe there is a delta function in the TI-NSpire for you to do this directly. You need to recognized the meaning of the delta function.

What is hydration energy?

Hydration Energy is involved in the solution process. The solution process involves three steps all including a change in enthalpy. The first delta H (change in enthalpy) is the process by which water molecules overcome attractive forces in the solute particles to break chemical bonds. This process is endothermic. The second step delta H 2 is the separation of solvent molecules to accommodate the solute. This step also requires energy and is endothermic (delta H is greater than 0) The final step is the formation of new attractive interactions between solute and solvent particles and is exothermic (delta H is less than 0). The sum of delta H 1, 2, and 3 is the overall enthalpy of the solution process and this sum is known as the hydration energy. If the sum of delta H 1 and 2 is greater in magnitude than the delta H 3 (which is a negative number) the overall process will be endothermic. If the sum of delta H 1 and 2 is lesser in magnitude than delta H 3 the overall process will be exothermic.

What does delta S 0 mean in a reaction?

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What does the delta s 0 mean in a reaction?

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A horizontal line, such as Y = 3, has a slope of zero.Slope is the limit, as delta x approaches zero, of delta y / delta x.