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(x - 3)*(x + 5)*(x - 1) = 0

(x2 - 3x + 5x - 15)*(x - 1) = 0

(x2 + 2x - 15)*(x - 1) = 0

(x3 + 2x2 - 15x - x2 - 2x + 15) = 0

ie x3 + x2 - 17x + 15 = 0

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Q: What is a polynomial equation of least degree for roots 3 and -5 and 1?
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At most how many unique roots will a third-degree polynomial have?

A third-degree equation has, at most, three roots. A fourth-degree polynomial has, at most, four roots. APEX 2021

If you are asked to write a polynomial function of least degree with real coefficients and with zeros of 2 and i square roots of seven what would be the degree of the polynomial also wright equation?

3y2-5xyz yay i figured it out!!!!

What are the roots of polynomial?

The "roots" of a polynomial are the solutions of the equation polynomial = 0. That is, any value which you can replace for "x", to make the polynomial equal to zero.

How many real roots will a 3rd degree polynomial have?

A third degree polynomial could have one or three real roots.

How many real roots do we have if the polynomial equation is in degree six?

Such an equation has a total of six roots; the number of real roots must needs be even. Thus, depending on the specific equation, the number of real roots may be zero, two, four, or six.

What is the relationship between the degree of a polynomial and the number of roots it has?

In answering this question it is important that the roots are counted along with their multiplicity. Thus a double root is counted as two roots, and so on. The degree of a polynomial is exactly the same as the number of roots that it has in the complex field. If the polynomial has real coefficients, then a polynomial with an odd degree has an odd number of roots up to the degree, while a polynomial of even degree has an even number of roots up to the degree. The difference between the degree and the number of roots is the number of complex roots which come as complex conjugate pairs.

How do you do a parabola?

A parabola is a graph of a 2nd degree polynomial function. Two graph a parabola, you must factor the polynomial equation and solve for the roots and the vertex. If factoring doesn't work, use the quadratic equation.

Is it true that the degree of polynomial function determine the number of real roots?

Sort of... but not entirely. Assuming the polynomial's coefficients are real, the polynomial either has as many real roots as its degree, or an even number less. Thus, a polynomial of degree 4 can have 4, 2, or 0 real roots; while a polynomial of degree 5 has either 5, 3, or 1 real roots. So, polynomial of odd degree (with real coefficients) will always have at least one real root. For a polynomial of even degree, this is not guaranteed. (In case you are interested about the reason for the rule stated above: this is related to the fact that any complex roots in such a polynomial occur in conjugate pairs; for example: if 5 + 2i is a root, then 5 - 2i is also a root.)

At most how many unique roots will a fourth degree polynomial have?

4, the same as the degree of the polynomial.

What is the least degree of a polynomial with the roots 3 0 -3 and 1?

The polynomial P(x)=(x-3)(x-0)(x+3)(x-1) is of the fourth degree.

How can a rational equation have more than one solution?

A rational equation can be multiplied by the least common multiple of its denominators to make it into a polynomial equation. The degree of this polynomial is the highest power (of the variable) that appears in it. It can be proven that a polynomial of degree n must have n roots in the complex domain. However, there may be fewer roots in the real domain. This is because if the coefficients are real then there may be pairs of complex roots [conjugates] which will not count as real roots. Also, there may be identical roots of multiple order. For example, x4 - 1 = 0 has 4 complex roots. These are 1, -1, i and -i where i is the imaginary root of -1. There are only 2 real roots -1 and +1. x4 = 0 has 4 multiple roots, each of which is 0. Thus x = 0 is a root of multiplicity 4.

How can you quickly determine the number of roots a polynomial will have by looking at the equation?

In the complex field, a polynomial of degree n (the highest power of the variable) has n roots. Some of these roots may be multiple roots. However, if the domain is the real numbers (or a subset) then there is no easy way. The degree only gives the maximum number of roots - there may be no real root. For example x2 + 1 = 0.