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It is not possible to answer the question since no equation is given in the question: only an expression.

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Q: How do you find the excluded values for the equation a 3 - 2a?
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It is, in fact, an identity - which is an equation which is true for all values of the variable.

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They are two terms of an algebraic expression which can be arranged as : y-2a

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from the equation using the formula -b/2a to find x value. from there substitute values of x before and after in equation.for example if x is 2 use other x values as 1 and 3.

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Your equation must be in y=ax^2+bx+c form Then the equation is x= -b/2a That is how you find the axis of symmetry

If 2a-3b11 and ab7 find the value of a and b?

I take it you mean if 2a - 3b = 11 an a+b = 7 then find the value of a and b. The problem with this site is that the questions can't contain things like the equal sign To solve a problem like this we need to get two of the letter values to be the same, and then we can subtract one equation from the other. so, if we multiply the second equation by -2 we get -2a - 2b = -14 No to that we add 2a - 3b = 11 and we get -5b = -3 so b = 3/5 Now we can replace the b in the second equation and we get a + 3/5 = 7 So we can see that a must equal 62/5 and if we put these values into the first equation the two sides of the equation should balance... 2 (62/5) - 3(3/5) should equal 11... so we'll multiply the values and check 2 (62/5) = 124/5 and 3(3/5) = 9/5 = 14/5 and indeed 124/5 - 14/5 does indeed = 11.

How do you find the roots of an equation?

for an 2nd order the roots are : [-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac)]/2a

What is the mathimatical equation a x a simplified to?

The answer is 2a because of the two a's equal 2a

Why is the equation of the line of symmetry x equals negative b over 2a?

The question refers to the equation of a parabola, that is, a quadratic equation of the form y = ax2 + bx + c. Suppose x1 = -b/2a - z and x2 = -b/2a + z for some real number z. Then y1 = a*(-b/2a - z)2 + b*(-b/2a - z) + c = b2/4a + bz + az2 - b2/2a - bz + c = b2/4a + az2 - b2/2a + c and y2 = (-b/2a + z)2 + b*(-b/2a + z) + c = b2/4a - bz + az2 - b2/2a + bz + c = b2/4a + az2 - b2/2a + c So y1 = y2 thus, if x is the same distance (z) either side of -b/2a, then the corresponding y values are the same. And that, is what a line of symmetry means.

What is the equation 2a-b3?

Firstly, I think you mean 2a-3b. The numbers always come first. Secondly, 2a-3b is an expression, not an equation as equations have equeal signs in them. Lastly, you do not have enough information to solve 2a-3b since it is an expression. Therefore, the answer to your question is 2a-3b.

What is the equation for the axis of symmetry of a parabola?

x=-b/2a [negative B over 2A]

What is 2a equals b?

2a = b Is an example of an equation with linear dependence between the variable a and b (b is twice a)If you know any a you can find the bIf you graph this equation with a on one axis and b on the other (perpendicular) you will get a straight line