

Best Answer

If you have the sine of an angle and you need to find the angle, you have a

few choices. They're exactly the same choices that you have if you're going

the other way ... you have the angle and you need to find its sine:

-- pocket calculator, or computer . . . the way it's most often done these days

-- look it up in a table in a reference book

-- calculate it on paper from an infinite series . . . technically possible, but no reason

to subject yourself to the heartburn unless you need extreme precision, better than

what you can get with a 10-digit calculator.

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Q: What is the procedure for finding the angle from the value of sin theta?
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What does sine theta mean?

Theta is just a Greek letter used to denote measurement of angle. Sine is a trigonometric function, i.e., the ratio of the side opposite to the angle theta to the hypotenuse of the triangle. So Sine theta means the value of sine function for angle theta, where theta is any angle.

When is tan theta theta?

tan (theta x theta) : must square the value of the angle, theta, before applying the trig function, tangent.

What is csc theta?

That depends on the value of the angle, theta. csc is short for "cosecans", and is the reciprocal of the sine. That is, csc theta = 1 / sin theta.

An angle is 12 degrees more than its supplement Find the angle?

96 degrees Let theta represent the measure of the angle we are trying to find and theta' represent the measure of its supplement. From the problem, we know: theta=theta'+12 Because supplementary angles sum to 180 degrees, we also know: theta+theta'=180 Substituting the value from theta in the first equation into the second, we get: (theta'+12)+theta'=180 2*theta'+12=180 2*theta'=180-12=168 theta'=168/2=84 Substituting this value for theta' back into the first equation, we get: theta+84=180 theta=180-84=96

What is the value of sine theta when theta is equal to 0.4384?

We'll answer your question as asked. What was asked was, "What is the sine of the angle (the angle theta) if the angle measures 0.4384?" That's the way the question reads. That's a pretty small angle. Less than one degree. That angle has about 0.00765 as the sine. Perhaps the question was "What is the angle of theta if its sine is 0.4384?" In the event that this was really your question, if sine theta equals 0.4384, arcsine theta is about 23.00 degrees. Here we use the term arcsine. If we see "arcsine 0.4384" in a text, what it means is "the angle whose sine is 0.4384" in math speak.

Ac power formula and phase value?

Firstly all voltages and currents should be in RMS values. (divide peak values by root 2).Apparent Power|S| = VI = (P2+Q2)0.5Complex PowerS = P + jQP = |S|cos(theta)Q = |S|sin(theta)theta = phase angle between voltage & current (can be calculated by finding total impedence of the circuit)Power Factor = cos(theta)

What is the value of theta?

'Theta' is the eighth character in the Greek alphabet. It is not often used as a mathematical constant (such as 'Pi'), but rather as a variable. It is commonly, but not always, used to represent some arbitrary angle.

Is the light that passes threw an oblique angle into a material of lower optical density less than the angle of refelction?

According to Snell's Law n1*sine(theta 1)=n2*sine(theta 2) where n1 and n2 is the index of refraction of two substances respectively, and theta 1 and theta 2 is The angle of reflection or refraction angle measured from the optic normal (a line perpendicular to the contact surface of the two materials) respectively. The light that is reflected will do so at the angle theta 1. The portion of the ray that is refracted will be at the angle theta 2. In your question, the index of refraction (a numerical value proportional to the optic density) of the second material is lower (n1>n2). Therefore in order to satisfy Snell's Law the sine(theta 2) must be a higher number corresponding to some greater angle.

Why value of sin theata is in between 1 and -1?


In trig how is the value of r interpreted geometrically in the definitions of the sine cosine secant and cosecant?

In trigonometry, the value of R is the radius of the circle, and is usually normalized to a value of 1. If the circle is at the X-Y origin, and theta is the angle between the radius line R, and X and Y are the X and Y coordinates of the point on the circle at the radius line, then... sine(theta) = Y / R cosine(theta) = X / R secant(theta) = 1 / cosine(theta) = R / X cosecant(theta) = 1 / sine(theta) = R / Y

Where does the theta symbol originate from?

The symbol of "Theta" originates from Ancient Greece it is the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet, it has the Greek numeral value of 9. In maths, the lower case theta represents a plane angle, while the upper case represents a signal of frequency.

If sin theta equals 3/4 and theta is in quadrant II what is the value of tan theta?
