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Q: What is sec squared theta times cos squared theta minus tan squared theta?
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What is cos theta times cos theta?

Cos theta squared

What is cos theta minus cos theta times sin squared theta?

cos(t) - cos(t)*sin2(t) = cos(t)*[1 - sin2(t)] But [1 - sin2(t)] = cos2(t) So, the expression = cos(t)*cos2(t) = cos3(t)

What is cos 360 minus theta?

- cos theta

What is Cos Theta minus Cos Theta?

Zero. Anything minus itself is zero.

If cos and theta 0.65 what is the value of sin and theta?

You can use the Pythagorean identity to solve this:(sin theta) squared + (cos theta) squared = 1.

What is cos 90 minus theta?

cosine (90- theta) = sine (theta)

Sin squared theta plus cos squared theta barabar Kya Hota Hai?


How do you solve theta if cos squared theta equals 1 and 0 is less than or equal to theta which is less than 2pi?

cos2(theta) = 1 so cos(theta) = ±1 cos(theta) = -1 => theta = pi cos(theta) = 1 => theta = 0

How do you solve cos theta subtract cos squared theta divide 1 plus cos theta?

The question contains an expression but not an equation. An expression cannot be solved.

How do you prove cot squared theta plus cos squared theta plus sin squared theta scs squared theta?

Until an "equals" sign shows up somewhere in the expression, there's nothing to prove.

Which basic trigonometric identity is actually a statement of the pythagorean theorem?

COS squared Theta + SIN squared Theta = 1; where Theta is the angles measurement in degrees.

How do you prove that the sin over one minus the cosine minus one plus the cosine over the sine equals zero?

Multiply both sides by sin(1-cos) and you lose the denominators and get (sin squared) minus 1+cos times 1-cos. Then multiply out (i.e. expand) 1+cos times 1-cos, which will of course give the difference of two squares: 1 - (cos squared). (because the cross terms cancel out.) (This is diff of 2 squares because 1 is the square of 1.) And so you get (sin squared) - (1 - (cos squared)) = (sin squared) + (cos squared) - 1. Then from basic trig we know that (sin squared) + (cos squared) = 1, so this is 0.