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It could be either of them.

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Q: What is the area of a rectangle with length (4x) is 4x2 12x?
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What is 12x x 4x2?

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What is the factorization of 4x2 plus 12x plus 5?

4x2 + 12x + 5 = (2x + 1)(2x + 5).

How do you solve 4x2 plus 12x equals 0?

4x2 = -12x, divide both sides by 4x: x = -3

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4x2+12x = 4x(x+3) when factored

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Is it a perfect square 4x2 plus 12x plus c?

Only if the value of c is 9 because:- 4x2+12x+9 = (2x+3)(2x+3)

9x4 plus 27x3 - 4x2 - 12x equals 0?

There are four solutions to 9x4 plus 27x3 - 4x2 - 12x equals 0. One of the solutions is x = -3.

What is the area of the square with a side length of 2x?

The area is 4x2 square units

4x2 - 12x plus 9 equals 5?

4x2 - 12x + 9 = 5; whence, 2x - 3 = ±√5, and 2x = 3 ±√5. Therefore, x = ½ (3 ±√5).

What is the area of a 4x2 rectangle if it's perimeter is 12?

To find an area of a rectangle, take the length and width and multiply the two together. In your case the length is 4, the width is 2, find the product... so 4 x 2 = 8. Thus the area of the rectangle is 8 units squared. It's perimeter is 12, which means 2l x 2w or 2(length) x 2(width) = 2(4) x 2(2) = 12.

Do figures with the same perimeter have the same area?

not necessarily. take the example of a 3x3 square and a 4x2 rectangle. Both have a perimeter of 12. but the square has an area of 9 and the rectangle has an area of 8.

Solve the equation 4x2 plus 12x plus 3?

4x2 is 8+ 12x + 3 collect like terms, 8+3= 11, 12x+11 to solve for x, transpose the 11 to the other side of the = sign, 12x=-11, divide by 12, x=-11/12