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It also equals 13 12.

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Q: Sec squared theta plus tan squared theta equals to 13 12 and sec raised to 4 theta minus tan raised to 4 theta equals to how much?
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What is sec squared theta times cos squared theta minus tan squared theta?


What is sine squared theta subtract six cosine squared theta divided by one minus seven cosine squared theta?

It is 1.

How do you solve r squared equals theta?

If r-squared = theta then r = ±sqrt(theta)

How do you prove cot squared theta plus cos squared theta plus sin squared theta scs squared theta?

Until an "equals" sign shows up somewhere in the expression, there's nothing to prove.

How can you verify 1 plus tan theta divided by 1 minus tan theta equals cot theta plus 1 divided by cot theta minus 1?

It depends if 1 plus tan theta is divided or multiplied by 1 minus tan theta.

What is cosine squared theta equal to'?

Cosine squared theta = 1 + Sine squared theta

How do you solve 1 minus 2cos squared theta?

Since there is no equation, there is nothing that can be solved.

What is sec squared theta minus tan squared theta?

1 - sin2(q) = cos2(q)dividing through by cos2(q),sec2(q) - tan2(q) = 1

Is sin squared theta and sin theta squared the same?

Your question is insufficiently precise, but I'll try to answer anyway. "Sine squared theta" usually means "the value of the sine of theta, quantity squared". "Sine theta squared" usually means "the value of the sine of the quantity theta*theta". The two are not at all the same.

How do you solve theta if cos squared theta equals 1 and 0 is less than or equal to theta which is less than 2pi?

cos2(theta) = 1 so cos(theta) = ±1 cos(theta) = -1 => theta = pi cos(theta) = 1 => theta = 0

How would you solve and show work for cos2 theta if cos squared theta equals 1 and theta is in the 4th quadrant?

cos2(theta) = 1 cos2(theta) + sin2(theta) = 1 so sin2(theta) = 0 cos(2*theta) = cos2(theta) - sin2(theta) = 1 - 0 = 1

What is cos theta times cos theta?

Cos theta squared