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There are 5P3 = 5!/2! = 5*4*3 = 60 permutations.

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Q: How many permutations are there in any 3 from 5?
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The number of permutations of 5 things taken 2 at a time is 20?

Not quite. Number of combinations is 20, number of permutations is 10. Any 2 from 5 is 10 but in any order doubles this.

How many three digit numbers can you write using the digits 1 2 3 4 5 without repeating?

The first digit can be any one of 5 choices. For each of those, the second digit can be any one of 4 choices. For each of those, the third digit can be any one of 3 choices. So the total number of permutations without repetition is 5 x 4 x 3 = 60.

When two dice are rolled what is the probability that both will not be the same number?

The are 36 permutations of two dice. Of these, 6 permutations have the two dice with the same number, specifically 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5, and 6+6. The probability, then, that two dice rolled will not have the same number is 30 in 36, or 5 in 6, or about 0.8333.

Suppose you find six articles related to the topic of your research paper In how many ways can you choose four articles to read?

6*5*4*3 = 360 ways.

What is the permutation of 5?

Permutations are the different arrangements of any number of objects. When we arrange some objects in different orders, we obtain different permutations.Therefore, you can't say "What is the permutation of 5?". To calculate permutations, one has to get the following details:The total number of objects (n) (necessary)The number of objects taken at a time (r) (necessary)Any special conditions mentioned in the question (optional).

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How many different 3 letter permutations can be formed from the letters in the word count?

There are 5*4*3 = 60 permutations.

How many permutations of 5 letter can be made without any letters being repeated?

There are 7893600 permutations.

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How many permutations of 5 voters can be made?

5*4*3*2*1 = 120

How many ways can 9 books be arranged on a shelf so that 5 of the books are always together?

You can simplify the problem by considering it as two different problems. The first involves consider the five-book chunk as a single book, and calculating the permutations there. The second involves the permutations of the books within the five-book block. Multiplying these together gives you the total permutations. Permutations of five objects is 5!, five gives 5!, so the total permutations are: 5!5! = 5*5*4*4*3*3*2*2 = 263252 = 14,400 permutations

How many permutations of 5 numbers can be made from the numbers 1 to 90?

There are 5,273,912,160 permutations of 5 numbers out of 90.

How many 4 number combinations are there using 1 2 3 4 5?

There are 120 permutations and 5 combinations.

How many permutations are in the word pickle?

6! Six factorial. 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 = 720 =====

How many permutations of 5 computers are possible?


The number of permutations of 5 things taken 2 at a time is 20?

Not quite. Number of combinations is 20, number of permutations is 10. Any 2 from 5 is 10 but in any order doubles this.

How many 4 digit permutations and combination can be made from 46913?

Given the individual digits: 4, 6, 9, 1, and 3,the number of 4-digit permutations is (5! / 1!) = (5 x 4 x 3 x 2) = 120 .The number of combinations is [ 5! / (1!4!) ] = 5 .